Tuesday 13 August 2013


For another one of our projects this year we were tasked to come up with our own game idea. This would be then used to create a Game Design Proposal Document.

Now I have kind of covered this area already in the first year when I created a GDPD Document on a game I originally thought of at the start of the course, so going back to it should prove to be no problem.

I originally thought of two different ideas these were.




In Possession the player controls a spirit that roams an old hotel. The players’ goal throughout the game levels is to scare each specific guest. This is not as simple as it first seems as the hotel is having a fancy dress ball and the ability to scare the target has been made more difficult due to surreal atmosphere of the party. To accomplish this, the player must research the target by listening to conversations and interacting with them by possessing the other guests or interacting with objects within the environment.




The player can possess any character other than the target. This will enable the player to interact with the target via either physical interaction or by verbal communication. By communicating with the target character as well as other guests the player will learn what is the best way to scare the target. By interacting with the cast of characters the player may lead the target into a scare situation such as leading them away from the party to a quiet room where a scare trap has been set.


Item Movement

The player will be able to pick up items in the environment  while possessing another character. This will allow the player to solve puzzles such as moving/combining items to help gain access to other areas of the environment, or for use in the scare traps.


Scare Traps

The player will be able to create scare traps in the environment through the use of objects they have found in the level. This could be as simple as using a bed sheet to create a typical ghost haunting to something more elaborate using multiple items in multiple rooms to create a sequence of scares that will truly terrify the target.



3D Third Person Adventure Puzzle Game




Playstation 3

XBOX 360
Super School Fighter Infinite Forever Edition Part 1 (SSFIFEP1)
Super School Fighter Infinite Forever Edition Part 1 is a 2D Fighting game based on the rules of 1 on 1 combat in a traditional best of three round match-up tournament created for PSN & XBOX Live. The time has come where the fate of the world will be decided upon by the victor of the competition. How can this be possible you ask. It's a long story.  All that we now remember is that each of the high school competitors hails from a different country, should they win the tournament there home country is elected ruler of the planet and the victor is given a life time of sugary sweets.
School fights never meant so much. As you dodge around the screen looking for an opening, your opponent throws a text book at you. Neatly ducking under the book projectile you return fire, throwing a rounder's bat which make contact with the gut of your opponent. Trying to capitalise you dash forward but your opponent throws a quick one-two hoping to catch you with a combo. Skilfully you catch the attempt with a counter hold which leads to you stamping on the opponents’ feet. Now you have the upper hand. Hopping around, holding his throbbing foot the opponent is defenceless. Now is the time for your Super Hyper Finish. Entering the SHF command causes the environment to darken, leaving only you and the opponent visible. What follows next is an explosion of light and sound as you pummel him with your specific themed finisher. In this case the Atomic Wedgie. With the opponent lying embarrassed and defeated you select your victory pose. You Win!
Key Features
Featuring 10 fighters - each with their own distinct fighting styles and personalities. Choose the fighter that most represents you or go for another that is completely different. Will you prefer the martial arts styles or the more traditional flailing fists.
3 Part fight system - Strikes beat throws, throws beat counters, counters beat strikes. Learn your own fight style along with a favourite character. Are you a combo specialist, defensive or all-round fighter?
Customise your character - Change into different outfits and add accessories. Earn extra outfits and accessories for your character by being victorious. Key Items can be added to the character to provide the player with specific perks. Such as better damage resistance, increased speed or more powerful attacks. However be careful when selecting a key item as it may also have a detrimental effect on another area of the character. 

2D Fighting Game
Playstation 3 (PSN Download)
XBOX 360 (XBOX Live Download)




Checkered. I hate checkered.

I have created my initial model of the prison in UDK.

Below are the different areas I have tried to design for the interior of the prison.


The Cells

I have spent hours manually creating each of the cells so they are the same size as one another and the player can fit into them as a hiding spot. Then I found out about copy and paste......
Having tortured myself creating the cells. During play-testing I noticed that nobody wanted to fight in the tight area of the jail cells. Instead they ran in circles shooting each other in the kitchen?!?
 A little piece of me has died. 

Small, That's how it always starts.

Welcome to my first look at the Unreal Editor.

If your unfamiliar with UDK, or if computers generally cause you distress then welcome to hell.
Only joking!
I found unreal to be initially very daunting. Though after a little tuition, and general 'ooh what does this do' button presses I have found UDK to be a very useful tool. The ability to create a map quickly and then playtest it straight away using the unreal tournament settings is very gratifying.
The secret??
It's there somewhere. Look harder... See the little red silhouette. That is the key to success. The basic tool used to create a shape which can then be modified, added to or subtracted, to create many marvellous things.

It's Unreal

What really stood out for me this year working on design was the switch from designing levels using Google Sketch-up to advancing on to the Unreal Engine.

Having to start from the beginning using the Unreal Editors software was at first somewhat confusing. I found it difficult to adjust to at first as the program doesn't conform to what are the  usual creation standards and controls I have been familiar to in Sketch-up or 3DS MAX. 

For our Design project we were each tasked with creating our own multiplayer level

After getting my head around it(Yeah! it took a while).  I decided I wanted to create a prison style environment. I chose to model my map on the most famous prison of them all.. Alcatraz.

Sketch of building placements on Alcatraz island.